Want to join a startup? 🚀 Think again!

Want to join a startup? 🚀 Think again!

Startups are incredibly complex to navigate and yet incredibly simple to navigate at times. It is important for a lot of startup aspirants to understand the rabbit hole of startup life a lot better before they jump in head-long. We believe it is a fun joyride with the thrill of high Gs sitting in a rocketship. But this exhilarating ride is not meant for all!

A lot of places speak about why startup life is fun. We read about media articles waxing eloquent about the awesome nature of startup life. However, some more needs to be said about why you should NOT join a startup.

1. There is no such thing as a "structured startup"

There is no reward without risk, and anyone working for startups will agree to that in a heartbeat. The truth is, you’re going to have to go out of your way on most days. Start early, wrap up late & do things out of your skillset. You’ll be applying way more than what you learned in college or your previous job for a salary. This comes with a side of ESOPs that may pay you 10x, even 100x, tomorrow for your effort today. Just another lesson in the power of compounding.

2. You will be the CEO (read between the lines)

You may be seeking a job that gives you what it says on the job description. If you’re hired as an analyst, you will analyze. If you’re hired as a content writer, you will write. It’s a relaxing opportunity to colour inside the lines and not worry about the big picture.

However, in a startup, no matter what role you’re hired for, you will essentially be the “Chief Everything Officer”. Whether you have to blow balloons for a party (I did this!) or hit the streets to sell the product, it all comes down to the cumulative value you bring to the table. You'll have to participate in things that may be out of your skillset, from brainstorming about marketing to product testing, and even market research.

3. Startups are dynamic

Startups are dynamic, they themselves don’t have a solid 5-year plan. They depend upon you as much as you depend upon their success. You can make it happen if you add value to the company. When the team shows skin in the game, startups grow faster, and in return, you grow as a professional. You might be working on a project for a few weeks before you know there's been change in plans (sometimes multiple times!). If you want clarity, joining a startup may not be the best option for you.

The key question then would be: Are you as good as you are, without the predictability of every day at work?

4. Timelines are always of yesterday

Startups run on crunched timelines. Period. If you ask your manager, "when is a task due"? Mostly, the answer will be "yesterday". A startup job is really fast-paced. You’re delivering high inputs into uncertain initiatives in such little time that you will keep seeking recurring phases of peak performance. Invariably, your adrenaline will always be pumping and you’ll keep defying your idea of what you’re capable of. Before you learn, startups teach you to unlearn & no brand name can compensate for that experience.

We don't believe startups are for everyone. Furthermore, we believe Klub is not for everyone. But if you feel, our mission, our people, and our work interests you, look us up. Klub is hiring for multiple roles & considering you haven’t been scared off by now, I feel you’d fit right in at Klub. Apply here for any role of your choice & let's make a new chapter of exponential growth happen for you - together.

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